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For Your Soul. For Your Cells.
intuitive reiki & hyperbaric oxygen therapy
“As above, so below. As within, so without.
At Nourish Center Asheville, we’re here to support you from the inside out.”
Now Renting and Selling Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers for convenient use in your own home!
Optimize cell function. Reduce inflammation. Increase performance.
Speed up recovery time. Optimize sleep. Improve Immune System Function
M-HBOT is used internationally to treat more than 80 different conditions, ranging from injury and surgical recovery to the brain and head injuries, attention deficit disorders and PTSD.
Studies show Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen can provide improvement and support for:
✔️ Healthy Aging
✔️ Alzheimer’s Disease
✔️ Anxiety
✔️ Arthritis
✔️ Autism
✔️ Bone Healing (breaks and fractures)
✔️ Brain Health
✔️ Cancer
✔️ Cellular Energy
✔️ Cerebral Palsy
✔️ Chronic Infections
✔️ Concussion
✔️ Long COVID-19
✔️ Degenerative Disk Disease
✔️ Depression
✔️ Diabetes
✔️ Drug & Alcohol Addiction Recovery
✔️ Eczema and Rashes
✔️Fatigue (chronic)
✔️ Fibromyalgia
✔️ GI Tract – Crohn’s Disease, Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
✔️ Heart (Atherosclerosis)
✔️ High Blood Pressure
✔️ Herpes Zoster
✔️ HIV infection
✔️ Inflammation
✔️ Injury Recovery
✔️Liver Disease
✔️ Lyme Disease
✔️ Migraines
✔️ Mold Toxicity
✔️ Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
✔️ Osteoporosis Pre and Post Surgery
✔️ Pain (chronic)
✔️ Parkinson’s Disease
✔️ Soft Tissue Injuries
✔️ Sports Performance & Recovery
✔️ Stem Cell Growth
✔️ Stroke
✔️ Surgery (pre and post)
✔️ Teeth and Gums
✔️ Tissue and Nerve regeneration
✔️ Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
✔️ Wound healing
Our staff has completed technician safety and operations training with Dr. Zayd Ratansi, ND who has over 30 years of experience in hyperbarics. A prescription referral from your physician or via telehealth with our partner ND is required for home use .
Please note we are currently pausing in office sessions for HBOT only. We are excited to offer full service delivery and set up for rental or purchased chambers in your home.
“I’m changing old patterns that aren’t working for me anymore and I’m letting go and purging what doesn’t serve me. I’ve lost weight and my A1C is down, but more importantly, I feel better about myself and I feel hopeful for the first time in a long, long time.”
“That was amazing and inspiring!”
“The long distance reiki sessions I received from Valerie were perfectly timed to accelerate some physical and emotional healing. I loved the fresh insight she brought to some old issues. If you are reading this, go book an appointment now!”
“Working with Valerie was such a gift. She truly has a gift and an intuitive sense, and I am so very grateful. I would recommend her for anyone looking to gain a better sense of direction, wellness and understanding of themselves, their bodies and their health”
“I am 100% better emotionally than 9 months ago and I feel focused, energized and THANKFUL!”
“ I don’t know how I could have continued chemotherapy without hyperbaric oxygen treatment. It decreased my neuropathy and lessened fatigue in a way that seemed like a miracle after the very first week. Now I do O2 treatments immediately before and immediately after each infusion.”
What We Offer
Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Nourish on a cellular level with our Vitaeris 320 Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber. Rent our chamber by the week or month or choose from one of three different sized chambers to rent monthly or rent to own. Access increased levels of oxygen to help fuel the most important functions of your body. Optimize and enhance your body’s natural healing process through the inhalation of supplemental oxygen while inside a pressurized chamber in the comfort of your own home.

Intuitive Reiki & Energy Healing
Intuitive Reiki combines the healing energy of Reiki with the ability to read the subtle energies of the body and your energy field. Balancing energy centers, releasing what no longer serves and channeling images and messages allow for a more efficient flow of energy —creating a space for healing and ease. Sessions are available in person or virtual sessions and can be done no matter where you are located.

Soul Alchemy & Full Circle Coaching
This six session offering brings together holistic health coaching, intuitive Reiki, breath work, mindfulness, self care and somatic tools to help you create space and capacity, find greater congruence and internal balance. We work together to create external goals and action steps while simultaneously working internally on nervous system regulation, balancing the energetic body and releasing patterns and energies that no longer serve.
Yoga & More
As an RYT-500, Reiki Master, Energy Healer and Holistic Health Coach, Valerie is always looking for ways to enhance your experience and support your healing journey. We are excited to begin adding more Energy Healing and Integrated Coaching packages as well as small yoga classes in Spring of 2023. Look for Restorative & Reiki, Yoga for All Bodies and Yoga for Chronic Pain to come soon.
Stay connected to be in the know about additional offerings to come in 2023 including Bio Mat sessions and partnerships with other practitioners sharing our office space who offer Reiki, Empath Coaching Tachyon Chamber sessions and more.
Get In Touch
For current Mild Hyperbaric Chamber Rental and Purchase pricing, a free consultation to find the best chamber for your needs or for more information on Intuitive Energy Healing or Integrated Coaching Packages contact us today!
☎ 828.275.6339